The Lošinj Chess was inspired by my son, a great lover of the chessboard and chess pieces. The basic idea was to present Lošinj through this very old and beautiful game. I chose the olive as the queen since it is a symbol of peace, purity, and our region. The king is Apoxyomenos, who has become the main symbol of our island. The bishops are the bell towers of Lošinj, which offer a sweeping view, while the knights are the goats that we see jumping across our rocky landscapes with such ease. The rooks are the towers that proudly rise above our town. Finally, since the locals fight an eternal battle with wild boars, particularly where sheep growing is concerned, the wild boars and the sheep fight against each other as pawns. 

The production is complex and unique. No chess set is the same.


Price: EUR 250

She was born in Zagreb, and after Lošinj, she entered the secondary school of applied arts and design in Pulij, where she fell even more in love with everything related to art. Later, while working, he finished the Faculty of Economics and got a job in a hostel as the head of the Zlatokrila business unit in Veli Lošinj. Since her work in tourism is very active in the summer, she finds time for another hobby in the winter, and painting and illustration are her best friends along with her family. He paints through knowledge of history, happiness, joy, and the illustration is such that it conveys all this even more positively. 

"That's why people paint, play music ... do something creative, because that makes a person complete."

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