Massage and Health Improvement Studio VITA

Studio Vita has been operating since 2004 in Mali Lošinj under the leadership of Ana Banić, Master of Physiotherapy. Lifelong learning and education are a standard for her and her team.

She is a:
- PhD student at the University of Novo Mesto Faculty Of Health Sciences,
- Lecturer at the Academy for Manual Therapy in Ljubljana,
- Bowen technique educator in Zagreb and Mostar,
- Professional associate at the University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies

The employees of the Vita studio are:
- Physiotherapists
- Bowen therapists
- Emmett therapists
- NKT therapists
- DNS therapists
- Pilates instructors
- Yoga teachers
- Dance and music pedagogues...


We focus on whole-person care and not just treating the diagnosis. For this purpose, we carry out a whole series of therapeutic and preventive programs:
- physiotherapy assessment
- physical therapy
- rehabilitation
- early intervention of injuries
- manual techniques
- medical massage
- lymphatic drainage of the whole body
- individual and group trainings
- pregnancy courses, etc.

We are a professional and experienced team. You can contact us with confidence because we are what you deserve!

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